In our Iraq databank of scientific polls, our experts have collected and procured scientific survey data from Iraq on a diverse set of topics.

Containing hundreds of questions from tens of probability sample surveys conducted since 2004 on a wide variety of topics – ranging from elections, human rights and democracy, to threat perceptions and foreign relations and alignments, to religion and the role it plays in Iraq – VoxNations' databank of polls from Iraq allows us to see where the Iraqi people stand and how their views and opinions have changed and evolved over the past two decades on a comprehensive range of issues.

While the VoxNations’ databank of scientific polls from Iraq is currently used exclusively in-house to produce analytical reports and provide answers to a wide variety of Iraq-related research questions, VoxNations is planning to make the databank available to subscribers at competitive rates as soon as possible.

VoxNations’ databank of scientific polls from Iraq is deployed on VoxDash, which is a data governance platform for sharing and visualization of proprietary data without allowing access to the raw data itself. It allows polling data owners to provide governed data access to users with defining access-level configuration per data point. VoxDash allows users to search questions by topic and/or keywords, obtain time series results on questions, run cross-tabulations with other questions, and see the methodology associated with each question.


Please contact us if you are interested to become informed when this databank becomes available to subscribers.